Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How To Make A Bouncy Egg: Simple Experiment

ION Doll and Gabby absolutely love all the science experiments they have been performing the last several weeks!  The Bouncy Egg experiment was very fun, seeing how a regular egg can easily have its shell removed and be turned into a bouncy ball.  Before starting any experiment, always have teacher or parental permission and supervision.

Supplies needed:

-White Vinegar.

-2 Glass Jars

-2 Eggs.

-Food Coloring, which is optional.

-Glass Pyrex Pan.

-Paper Towels.

Soaking a few eggs in white vinegar overnight (one egg with no food coloring, one egg with food coloring) slowly dissolves the shell.  The egg shell is made of calcium carbonate which reacts with the weak acid (vinegar).  The calcium carbonate turns into carbon dioxide, which is why bubbles are seen on the surface of the egg shell as it dissolves.  You can use your hands and a paper towel to  wipe off excess egg shell.  You can rinse the egg off with cold water, but this step isn't always needed.

Now, feel free to bounce the egg lightly, similar to a ball like ION Doll & Gabby.  Be careful not to bounce the egg too hard or it can break and the yolks can still spill out like normal.

Always clean up with parental help and supervision and always remember to wash your hands with soap and water once experiment is complete.

We hope you enjoyed turning regular eggs into bouncy eggs with us today!  We  hope you tune in for our other experiments!

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#science #littlekids

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